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31 New Art Prints
31 New Art Prints

31 New Art Prints

Totally new collection of art based on Inktober 2024 prompts with a Midwestern twist.

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llustrations | Murals | Screen Prints | Paintings |
Adam Turman painting a picture
Minnesota Artist Adam Turman is a Painter, Muralist, and Screen Printer

Adam's Bold Midwestern Artwork: Celebrating Your Everyday Icons

Adam's bold artwork riffs everyday icons with stylized takes on everything from the BWCA to Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox. His work celebrates a distinctive Midwestern love of the great outdoors.

Adam’s murals and paintings can be found throughout the Midwest, and his screen prints in private collections world wide.

He works with International, national, and local brands, independent businesses, and private collectors alike to make art part of our every day.

Minnesota Artists - a store with a sign and a group of clothes
Adam Turman

Live from the State Fair!

From the people




Custom Projects

Minnesota Paintings- INTERACTIVE MURAL MAP

Interactive Mural Map

Want to see Adam's work? Check out our interactive map of murals around the Twin Cities!